ross couch website

Ross Couch Website Relaunches Today

Posted on by rosscouch in News | Leave a comment

I’m happy to say that after much wailing and gnashing of teeth over the past few weeks trying to get this thing working, the new version of finally goes online today.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m no web designer so this has been a bit of a pain in the ass to set up and there may well be some  problems in the beginning.  If you do notice anything that’s wrong or isn’t working then please let me know and I’ll do my best to fix it.

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I’m Back!

Posted on by rosscouch in News | Leave a comment

Well, well, well, look who finally got their act together and put up a new website!

Long overdue I know. My old website was accidently deleted a few years back during a server upgrade and since it was getting long in the tooth and was a pain in the ass to update I decided that rather than try to retrieve it I’d make a new one. As you can no doubt deduce for yourselves, I kinda slacked on getting around to that though!

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